Tuesday, March 12, 2013

10 Days in 10 Ways- Day 2- Investing in Yourself

Welcome to our second tip for living a meaningful life.

Today’s edition, invest in yourself.

At Choice Network, we have the fortune of working with some of the most ambitious families and birth parents in the world. Both adopting and placing a child for adoption takes enormous consideration and forethought. Both of these attributes also take investment and passion to cultivate.

Here are some tips on how to invest in your dreams

Invest in a job you love. Studies have recently emerged stating that when people are in jobs they dislike they are more likely to become sick, suffer from exhaustion, stress and burn out. Consider the fact that you are at work 40-80 hours a week and it’s obvious why an investment in the right career is an investment in your own mental health. If you are struggling to find the right career path try volunteering, returning to your school academic advisor or reaching out to mentors or other people you look up to in careers they are passionate about. The best job advice is to find something you would do for free and then get paid for it!

Invest in a social group- By nature, humans are a highly socialized society. Researchers have recently reported that in addition to levels of happiness and fulfillment, being social can also makes us more intelligent, increase our self esteem and give us a strong feeling of belonging. Research aside what does an investment in others do for you? One, it creates a core support group. A core support group is the best thing to have when you have a rough day, need emergency child care or have another bump or life crisis that momentarily rocks your world. Two, having a core support group exposes you to new opportunities and ideas. Valuable networks when you are living your life meaningfully. Before we approve a home study for a family we require them to join three adoption or kids related community support groups. Some of our favorite social group suggestions are; church, life support groups (like adoptive moms, birth moms etc,) gyms, social clubs and hobby related groups. Check out your local YMCA or Meetup.com for more ideas on how to build your own community network

Invest in yourself- The best thing you can do for yourself is to put the money, time and effort into being the best person you can be. It is often said you cannot be a good partner, parent or child if you aren’t first the best version of yourself, and this has proven to be so true. In a recent study, the Ohio State University noted that under classmen reportedly wanted self esteem over sex, money, alcohol and even friendship. In short, what you invest in yourself with regard to schooling, building good credit, and a strong and positive persona to the world matters. It matters a lot it seems.

Check out Creating Intentions to learn how you can invest more in making the world around you harmonious and peaceful: http://creatingintentions9.com/

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